5th Grade - Pastels
5th Grade - Pastels
A Fifth Grade Story
Learning in the Art Room
Chalk Pastels
Reflection on learning
The images in this movie where taken using a digital camera and student where interviewed using a flip video.
Skills observed:
Individual creativity
Collaboration-shared new discoveries
Problem solving
Risk Taking
Student Stories
Interviewing the students resulted in a rich array of stories and also became a great form of assessment on what they had learned.
“I was surprised how much fun it was to do a flower from observation”
(5th grade boy)
“You can save a total disaster” (5th grade girl)
Fifth graders were pleased to talk about the process and share their personal visions of how they developed and blended colors. They at times talked about being confused in the process of working but then went on to describe their discoveries. The students had confidence in their personal creative visions.
Extensions and integrating technology
Giving the students access to a digital camera to photograph their own work and access to the flip video to record personal stories or a fellow students story about learning in the arts.
Digital Storytelling
Extend the creative learning to student producing digital stories from the student point of view sharing about creative learning in the arts and the connections that lead to new inquiry and shared experiences.